
Only one Miss America crown is as unique as the one on display at the Colorado School of Mines Geology Museum. The tiara, which contains several different gemstones, was worn by Miss Colorado for the
The Colorado School of Mines women’s team won the title of “World Champions” during the 35 th Annual International Intercollegiate Mining Games held on campus March 13-17. The Mines Men’s A team
In an effort to develop energy self-reliance for mining operations, Colorado School of Mines Mining Engineering Professor Masami Nakagawa is leading a feasibility study for solar-wind hybrid power
A new, permanent refuge chamber for Colorado School of Mines’ Edgar Experimental Mine is the latest in mine safety rescue technology and training. The MineARC Refuge Chamber is capable of sustaining
Embedded video from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Twin NASA probes orbiting the moon have generated the highest resolution gravity field map of any celestial body
George Saunders ’81 earned a degree in geophysics from Mines, but it turned out he was more interested in probing human culture and society with words than revealing the Earth’s subsurface with
A 1976 alumnus has contributed $5 million to Colorado School of Mines to support the university’s Underground Construction and Tunneling Program and to provide scholarships for undergraduate students
Read more about Marquez Hall here.
Exploration geologists can devote entire careers to searching for undiscovered mineral deposits without ever chalking up a find. But for those who do, it’s tremendously rewarding, and many go on to