Earth and Society

Award advances the development of CTV III Carbon Storage Project in California
Each of the nine inductees has been recognized as an outstanding industry member through their contributions or leadership.
Singha, professor of geology and geological engineering, is associate dean of Earth and Society programs
Research conducted over the 2022 Labor Day weekend found substances, like shampoo, makeup and moisturizer, in the creek’s water
Pankavich, who has been at Mines since 2012, was previously director of graduate studies
Sana Zafar, PhD in civil and environmental engineering, was awarded the D. N.G. W. Cook PhD Dissertation Award for the best PhD thesis in rock mechanics at the 2024 US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium.
Griffiths is a professor of civil and environmental engineering and previously served as associate department head. He began the new role on July 1.
“We got to see (the building) go from a sketch on notebook paper to the real thing,” said Lindsey Nenne, one of the team’s construction leaders, who graduated in May with her bachelor’s degree in civil engineering.
Deb Carney, University Distinguished Teaching Professor of Applied Mathematics and Statistics at Mines, will serve as co-principal investigator on a new NSF project to create a new upper-division college elective that is specifically designed for prospective secondary mathematics teachers.
If a tool breaks in space, the solution isn’t as easy as popping down to the hardware store to buy a new one. Mines researchers are conducting NASA-funded research that could lead to 3-D printing bioplastics in space for tool repairs and more.