7 News Denver highlights the recent Payscale.com numbers putting Mines at #14 nationally in terms of return on investment

"The Colorado School of Mines has made a national list of schools with the best returns on investment. According to PayScale, Mines ranks No. 14." ...
April 20, 2012

Matt Liberatore's YouTube Fridays was featured in ASEE's Advances in Engineering Education journal

"YouTube Fridays devotes a small fraction of class time to student-selected videos related to the course topic, e.g., thermodynamics. The students then write and solve a homework-like problem based on the events in the video. Three recent pilots ....
April 20, 2012

Jeff Andrews-Hanna was quoted in Nature.com about water on Mars

"The debate began when nineteenth-century Italian astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli thought he saw water-filled canali, or channels, on the red planet: just how wet was Mars? “This is a pendulum that has been swinging back and forth,” says Jeff ....
April 20, 2012