First single crystal structure of actinium shows unexpected coordination behaviour

Thomas Albrecht-Schoenzart, an actinide chemist at the Colorado School of Mines, US, welcomed the ‘key information’ the research provided for future anticancer therapies. ‘Moreover, the differences between its binding and that of La 3+ underscores ....
July 22, 2024

Harris expected to campaign on Biden administration's energy, climate record

One area of opportunity for Harris on mining issues, if elected, may lie in advancing US mineral interests abroad, said Morgan Bazilian, director of the Payne Institute and professor of public policy at the Colorado School of Mines.
July 22, 2024

Insight: Western miners push for higher metals prices to ward off Chinese rivals

"Western miners simply can't compete with China, and China has shown the willingness to drive market prices way, way down," said Morgan Bazilian, director of the Payne Institute for Public Policy at the Colorado School of Mines.
July 22, 2024

The Search for Alien Life Starts on Earth

A century ago, Borup Fiord Pass likely had dozens of such sulfur springs, John Spear, a professor at the Colorado School of Mines who has conducted research at the site, told me. Now there’s just the one.
July 17, 2024

Radioactive: Behind a Denver company’s quest to mine uranium near the Grand Canyon — and an Indigenous tribe’s long fight to stop it.

It makes sense for Energy Fuels, owner of the country’s only operational uranium ore mill, to be a booster for uranium-fueled nuclear power, but there’s little reason for anyone else to expect a uranium economy renaissance, said Ian Lange, the ....
July 16, 2024

La Niña is coming. Here’s how it could change the weather.

“It’s going to be interesting to see how this La Niña intersects with the generally very warm global oceans,” said Nathan Lenssen, a climate scientist at the Colorado School of Mines and the National Center for Atmospheric Research. “We’re in really ....
July 11, 2024

U.S. researchers build 16%-efficient mini perovskite solar module resistant to UV light-induced degradation

“This research is a true collaboration between organic synthetic chemists and solar cell device engineers working together to solve big problems. Furthermore, the chemistry to prepare the molecule of interest in this study is relatively simple and ....
July 10, 2024

Why steel prices have been sagging all year

But economies in the rest of the world aren’t really in a position to buy up that steel either, said Ian Lange, an economics professor at the Colorado School of Mines. “There’s just not another place around the world that looks like there’s going to ....
July 9, 2024

Scientists say they can now forecast El Niño Southern Oscillation years in advance

Predicting the weather more than a few weeks out is challenging, but "when the ocean or land surface or ice gets involved, we can get some longer predictability because these processes evolve more slowly," study lead author Nathan Lenssen, a ....
July 9, 2024

The Aaron Harber Show: Morgan Bazilian

Morgan Bazilian, director of the Payne Institute for Public Policy at Colorado School of Mines, discusses the highly-contested debate about climate change and what the U.S. role should be.
July 3, 2024

Oil companies flare more natural gas, defying effort to eliminate practice

The World Bank, working with the Colorado School of Mines in the United States, calculated the flaring figures based on data from satellites.
June 20, 2024

Adaptive athlete shows off one-of-a-kind prosthetic developed in Colorado

Caitlin Conner has a one-of-a-kind prosthetic developed by engineering students at the Colorado School of Mines. The students worked on the prototype for the past six years.
June 17, 2024