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The town of Pagosa Springs, Colo., depends on geothermal resources for tourism as well as a source of renewable energy -- a recent study by Colorado School of Mines’ geophysics students will aid
The hallway was empty when Professor Roel Snieder approached. “No Class Today” the sign on the door announced. But it wasn’t true. Snieder had not cancelled class. “Steam was coming out of my ears,”
Historically, Colorado School of Mines has been a leader in energy research and technology development. While that fact holds true, some of today’s researchers are forging new frontiers in areas not
October 2011 was an exciting month, not only for Mines, the National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL) and the state of Colorado, but for solar energy in general. Coming off the purchase of Colorado-based
He may have co-authored a textbook titled "The Art of Being a Scientist," but for Mines Geophysics Professor Roel Snieder, there is art in community service as well. Snieder, who is the W.M. Keck
GOLDEN, Colo., June 27, 2012 – As numerous wildfires burn across Colorado, a new study conducted by Mines Civil and Environmental Engineering graduate students last semester details how these fires
Take raw sewage flowing from a major apartment complex. Send it through a 2 millimeter screen. Let a flora of microorganisms feast on it for a while. Filter it – this time through pores just 50
Check out this video of a robotics project created by a Mines graduate student last semester in the Mechanical Engineering Department: “The project assignment was open-ended and the main requirement
In the basement of Alderson Hall, in a lab painted butter yellow and crimson with soaring, utilitarian square concrete pillars, amongst a hodgepodge of machine room detritus and laboratory equipment
GOLDEN, Colo., June 20, 2012 – Colorado School of Mines has launched a mobile website and free downloadable apps for the iPhone and Android phones. The mobile site can be accessed via smartphones at m