Engineering, Design and Society

A group of Mines seniors is developing a training device that will help users of Sip & Puff motorized wheelchairs use the chairs more readily.
Two Mines freshmen are among the makers firing up 3D printers across the state as part of Make4Covid, a coalition of Colorado manufacturers and makers working to provide health care professionals with the equipment they need.
Winning the competition – and the $1,000 grand prize – was a solution for the thousands of obsolete airplanes currently warehoused in what are essentially plane graveyards.
A prosthetic device designed to give transgender men the functionality and look of a natal male penis is the winner of the Fall 2019 Capstone Design Showcase.
Capstone Design is a year-long immersion in hands-on, client-driven design for seniors across disciplines at Colorado School of Mines. "The projects we work on are very much like the projects a
A team of Colorado School of Mines students spent their senior year designing a “Swiss arm” for a U.S. Navy veteran who lost part of all four of his limbs while serving in Afghanistan.
A user-friendly organizable container for prescription medication won top honors at the Spring 2019 Cornerstone Design Final Competition on May 1. Cubic Solutions won first place and $1,000 for "C3: a
A self-sustaining eco-village that would help generate sustainable income for the Maya-Itzá community in Guatemala was named the winner of the Spring 2019 Capstone Design Showcase.
When the first humans settle on Mars, what if their homes were not built but printed? That's the question being posed in the latest NASA Centennial Challenge, pitting teams from industry and academia
An accident reconstruction vehicle for the Colorado Highway Patrol, a 3D-printed habitat for astronauts on Mars and a public restroom for the Mount Everest trekking route are among the student design