Electrical engineering

Alyssa Boll has loved space since she was young. Her father, a computer scientist and amateur astronomer, made his own telescopes and was always teaching her and her sister the names of the celestial
A group of five Colorado School of Mines students recently competed in the 2017 Drillbotics Competition, one of seven teams to make it to the final round of the international competition. Team
A team of Colorado School of Mines seniors took part in the Shell Eco-marathon, a competition to design, build and drive energy-efficient vehicles, and came in seventh out of more than 25 teams in the
A solar-powered LED system that alerts motorists to cyclists in bike lanes won the Colorado Department of Transportation’s RoadX challenge May 3, 2017, part of the spring innovation design competition
Colorado School of Mines celebrated its outstanding faculty at its annual Faculty Forum, held May 3, 2017, in Friedhoff Hall. Geology and Geological Engineering Professor Kamini Singha received the
Team DiggerLoop, a group of 14 mechanical and electrical engineering seniors at the Colorado School of Mines, was awarded first place in the College of Engineering and Computational Sciences (CECS)
Four Colorado School of Mines students are seeking to create lasting change on campus as the newest University Innovation Fellows under the mentorship of Mines alumnus Corey Brugh’16, who was the
A Colorado School of Mines team of 14 undergraduate students has advanced to the final competition weekend in SpaceX’s Hyperloop Pod Competition II in California later this summer. Team DiggerLoop is
Colorado School of Mines’ Robot Pentathlon team made history on March 18, 2017, becoming the first team from Mines to win the American Society of Mechanical Engineers’ E-Fest West Student Design
The Keysight RF and Microwave Industry-Ready Student Certification Program identifies, acknowledges and rewards top students for demonstrating excellence in RF/microwave design and measurement