
Winning the semester-long design challenge – and the $1,000 grand prize – was a solution to improve spatial awareness for hearing impaired cyclists.
Using computer vision, artificial intelligence and radar, the gestr Hazard Notification System not only allows the cyclist to know danger is ahead, but where the danger is coming from.
A new quantum engineering minor at Colorado School of Mines will give undergraduate students the opportunity to gain exposure to quantum theory and hands-on experience with relevant hardware and prepare for careers in the rapidly evolving field of quantum technology.
Fostering a signature student experience at Colorado School of Mines, with deliberate professional development, best-in-class student success outcomes and return on investment, is one of the core pillars of the MINES@150 Strategic Plan.
Four celebrations — two for undergraduates, one for PhD and master's degree candidates, and one for Class of 2020 alumni — will be held outdoors May 13-15 following the latest state and local health and safety guidelines for graduation ceremonies.
Sadie Jonson, a Mines sophomore majoring in geological engineering, has been selected to present at the 2021 Posters on the Hill, a highly selective event that gives college students the chance to share their research with federal legislators.
Ethan Perry, a senior majoring in computer science at Colorado School of Mines, has been awarded a 2021-2022 Goldwater Scholarship, one of the preeminent STEM scholarships for undergraduate students
“This competition really required us to connect what we have learned throughout our courses and apply it to a real-world situation,” mining engineering senior Samantha McLeary said.
Of the Colorado School of Mines graduates who entered the workforce, close to half are employed in energy, aerospace or high tech industries, according to the 2019-2020 Annual Report from the Mines Career Center.
The goal of the two-day NSF Workshop on Quantum Engineering Education on Feb. 25-26 is to build a roadmap to establishing the robust and diverse student pipeline and educational infrastructure that the U.S. and its businesses need to lead the quantum revolution.